SQUARE ONE ‘Supersonic’ CD review

The debut release from the rather good Aussie rockers Square One. I have to say I have not heard an album where I like all the songs for a long time (bar the superb new Toto opus). I challenge anyone not to hum ‘Tonight’ after one play or the ultra catchy pop rocker ‘Colour Me Blue’. Musically they mix the harmonies of the Beatles and Cheap Trick with some great guitars – the title track illustrates this amply. Even the two bonus tracks are good, ‘Always With You’ would be an airplay hit if it ever got some airplay. Overall the album reminds you of say Waltham, the better moments of latter day Def Leppard or Nelson. Let the music do the talking and go e-mail the band now at squareonemusic@yahoo.com.au (I paid by Paypal) for payment details and I guarantee you won’t be disappointed!
I bought this from ebay and have to say it is one of the suprizes of the year. Where did these guys come from. Kinda Waltham meets Nelson meets Def Lep tinges. Spectacular. I agree every song is a winner!
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