What are you currently up to (eg recording, gigs etc)?
Putting together a new band with other Reloaded members Jon Tuck and Lloyd Pritchard, we are currently talking to guitarists. Plus an acoustic solo side project
Plans for the rest of 2006...
Get a new band together and work to get back out playing live again
Highlights/lowlights of the year so far...
Musically, neither yet, it is too early in the year to tell!!
Message for your fans...
Thanks for your patience, the new band will be worth the wait.
First and lastest albums bought & why...
1st Album- Rio by Duran Duran Last-15 by Buckcherry
Album(s) you couldn't be without...
Stones "Sticky Fingers" and "Exile on Main St" Bon Jovi "New Jersey" GnR "Appetite for Destruction"
Album(s) in my collection that would surprise people...
Best of Johnny Cash
Band(s)/artist(s) you've discovered recently & why they are worth a listen... RoadStar/Hurricane Party- well woth catching live if you can. Am looking forward to the debut album
First and latest gig attended...
1st Gig Motley Crue (not saying when as that ages me!!) Last Thunder at Hammersmith Odeon/Appollo
Piece of music/album by myself/band that sums up my sound/band...
"Ain't No Angel"- Reloaded or "You Don't Know Me"- solo track
Album you bought you really wish you hadn't...
Extreme "Pornograffiti"
If I wasn't a musician I'd be a...
nightmare to live with
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